Trial Evacuations

Testing and Enhancing Central Coast & Newcastle Businesses Emergency Procedures

Practical emergency drills Central Coast & Newcastle

Trial evacuations are a crucial part of emergency preparedness and workplace fire training for residential and commercial premises. These drills test your Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) or wardens in a controlled environment, well before a real emergency occurs.

 Survival Solutions conducts pre-evacuation reviews, planned scenarios, evacuation drills, and post-trial evaluations. Our detailed report highlights your strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring your readiness aligns with regulatory requirements.

How Trial Evacuations Work

Our qualified trainers will work with you to tailor a session plan and book a date.

On the day, we will take your staff through the trial evacuation which may include a smoke machine to help create a real-life scenario.

You will receive a report including reaction times and suggestions on improvements.

Why choose us?

Here at Survival Solutions, our foundations rest on three core values: reliability, professionalism and knowledge.

Our expert team guides you through the complexities of fire compliance, providing accurate assessments, premium equipment servicing and essential installations in line with AFSS requirements.

Why? Because the safety of your building occupants, business and investment is our top priority.

Local Expertise:

As a local service provider, we understand the unique needs of our Central Coast and Newcastle clients, ensuring we offer personalised fire safety solutions that suit you best.

End-to-End Solutions:

From assessment through to equipment installation and ongoing maintenance, we offer a seamless and comprehensive fire safety solution.

Peace of Mind:

Our reliable and knowledgeable team ensures your property remains compliant and protected, giving you the peace of mind you deserve all year round.


A trial evacuation assesses your Emergency Control Organisation’s (ECO) ability to manage emergencies in a controlled setting. It helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring effective responses during real crises.

Yes, Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and AS 3745:2010 mandates annual reviews, training, and testing of the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and evacuation drills. Regular trial evacuations are essential to ensure compliance with these regulations and to enhance overall safety and preparedness.

Our smoke machine creates realistic scenarios, challenging staff to locate and evacuate individuals safely. It enhances training by providing memorable, hands-on experiences that reinforce emergency preparedness skills.